Dissecting Fees Create iPad 2

Price iPad 2 to 32 GB of memory is 599 U.S. dollars. But, do you know how the cost of production to make iPad 2, which has experienced some improvements?

iSuppli estimates that the original price of the device being membeludak sales amounted to 326.6 U.S. dollars (approximately USD 2.9 million) only. The difference with the iPad 1 only 6.6 U.S. dollars, where IPAD first version will cost 320 U.S. dollars per unit. If the assembly cost (manufacturing cost) is calculated, then added another at 10 U.S. dollars to 336.6 dollars per unit iPad 2.

What are the most expensive component of an iPad 2?

It turned the screen components and touch screen system ranked first, which is worth 127 U.S. dollars. This price is far more expensive than screen iPad 1 that only 95 U.S. dollars. Of course, since this latest screen specs better.

Battery components used iPad 2 costs 25 U.S. dollars, while the battery on the iPad 1 only 21 U.S. dollars. Understandably, IPAD 2's battery is thinner and uses three cells. On battery iPad 1 only two cells.

Meanwhile, the A5 processor occupies the third highest price, which is 14 U.S. dollars per chip. This price is clearly more expensive than the chips used on the iPad A4 1, which is about 75 percent more expensive.

Total general to pay the three components of this, Apple should issue a pocket for 166 U.S. dollars. That is, the money amounted to 160.6 U.S. dollars more evenly distributed to other components.

How might still exist differences of more than 250 U.S. dollars for an iPad? Well, do not forget there are more other costs that have not been out of the question, call it advertising, promotion, taxes, and others. (Andra / FORSEL)

Source : kompas.com

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